ISSN 0030-0675 (Ukrainian ed. Print); ISSN 2413-8746 (Ukrainian ed. Online); ISSN 2412-8740 (English ed. Online) 

Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal. It is the official edition of the Ukrainian Society of Ophthalmologists and State Institution “The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”. 


The journal is published six times a year.

ISSN 0030-0675 (Ukrainian ed. Print): A printed version of the journal. Papers are published in Ukrainian or English according to the Author's choice. The journal is distributed via subscription.

ISSN 2413-8746 (Ukrainian ed. Online): An e-version of the printed journal. Papers are published in Ukrainian or English according to the Author's choice. This is an open-access journal; full texts are available online free of charge.  

ISSN 2412-8740 (English ed. Online): An English version of the journal, equivalent to its original version (all texts in Ukrainian are translated into English). This is an open-access journal; full texts are available on-line, free of charge.


Journal is registered in Ukrainian State Committee of Press, Printing and Book Distribution Affairs – Certificate KB №1034 from 28.10.1994.

Journal is approved by State Certification Committee of Ukraine: (medicine) №527 from 24.05.2018, "А". 


The Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) closely follows the recommendations and requirements provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).


The journal is indexed or included in:

Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Scimago Journal Ranking, SNIP, Research4Life (Hinari), DOAJ, ScopusNational Library of Ukraine named after VI VernandskyOpen Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI),  Google Scholar


The journal is supported by the Ukrainian Society of Ophthalmology. The journal’s revenue sources are author fees, subscriptions, advertising, and institutional and organisational support.