In Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) the following types of articles are published:

Original articles

10-13 pages A4 (4200 words, excluding abstract, acknowledgements, tables, figure legends, and references) DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE

Literature review/systematic review/meta-analysis

10-15 pages A4 (5000 words, excluding abstract, acknowledgements, tables, figure legends, and references) DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE / DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE

Case reports

3-4 pages A4 (1500 words, excluding abstract, acknowledgements, tables, figure legends, and references) DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE

Innovation proposal, surgical techniques

3-4 pages A4 (1500 words, excluding abstract, acknowledgements, tables, figure legends, and references) 

Articles on the history of ophthalmology

5-6 pages А4 (2000 words, excluding abstract, acknowledgements, tables, figure legends, and references)

Short reports

1.5-2 pages A4 (1000 words, excluding abstract, acknowledgements, tables, figure legends, and references)