Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) (Oftalmologicheskii Zhurnal) is a peer-reviewed online journal. It is the official edition of the Ukrainian Society of Ophthalmologists and State Institution “The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”. 


The journal aims to develop scientific potential in the ophthalmology field in Ukraine and support scientists and junior researchers. The Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) publishes articles by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, residents, and students, as well as the proceedings of scientific conferences. 


Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) contains articles on eye disease diagnosis and treatment, eye care, eye disease prevention, history of ophthalmology, organization of eye care to the population, and technical equipment problems. It is committed to publishing original scientific research and reviews on the theory and practice of Ukrainian and foreign ophthalmology, cases, reviews, inventions, surgical techniques, and historical and medical reviews. It contains reviews of ophthalmology books, articles on the activity of ophthalmologic societies, congresses and conferences chronicles. The journal is designed for practising ophthalmologists, optometrists and scientific researchers carrying out fundamental and clinical studies in the field of ophthalmology. 


Journal of Ophthalmology (Ukraine) presents material in sections:

Clinical Ophthalmology; Experimental Studies; Literature Review; Case Reports; History of Ophthalmology; Review Articles; Discussions; Lectures; Innovations in Ophthalmology; Organization of Ophthalmic Care; Practical Advice for Practitioners; Information; Congresses and Conferences.