Skorodynska V.V., Academician V.P. Filatov’s faithful assistant, strong supporter in science, and wife


  • N.F. Bobrova SI "The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine"
  • О.G. Androsov Odesa Region State Archive



У 2023 році виповнилося 160 років з дня заснування Міжнародного Комітету Червоного Хреста (МКЧХ – Женева, Швейцарія, 1863).
Прагнучи полегшити долю поранених та хворих під час воєн й військових конфліктів як на полі бою, так і у шпиталях на територіях різних країн, у 1864 році представники 16 держав уклали Женевську конвенцію.


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Filatov VP. [Cadaver material from the forensic morgue]. In: [Scientific contributions, Vol. 2]. Kyiv: Medgiz;1961. p. 223-4. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Instruction on obtaining and preserving cadaver material]. In: [Scientific Contributions of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Experimental Ophthalmology]. 1938; vol. 1: 41-6; Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [On regeneration of the corneal epithelium from isolated cadaver eyes at low temperature]. In: [Scientific Contributions of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Experimental Ophthalmology]. 1939; p.56-8. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Curative keratoplasty in keratitis]. In: [Scientific Contributions of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Experimental Ophthalmology]. 1939; 36-8; Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Curative keratoplasty in recurrent pterygium]. Oftalmol Zh. 1956;1:52-4. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Bilateral keratoplasty with a long follow-up]. In: [Proceedings of the international symposium on keratoplasty]. Odesa, August 18-22, 1964. Kyiv: Zdoroviia;1964. p. 25. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Curative value of preparations from preserved aloe leaves]. Cand Sc (Med) Thesis;1946. Russian.

Filatov VP, Skorodinskaia VV, et al. [Corneal transplantation and tissue therapy in gunshot wounds of and injuries to the eye]. In: [The Experience of Soviet Medicine in World War II 1941-1945]. Moscow: Medgiz;1951;7:270-303. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Treatment of herpetic keratitis with injections of aqueous extracts of aloe leaves preserved without light]. In: [Scientific Contributions of the Ukrainian Experimental Institute of Eye Diseases]. Moscow; 1947; p. 61-5; Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Curative value of aloe leaves preserved without light]. Meditsinskii zhurnal Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 1947;17:453-6. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV, Filatov VP, Biber VA. [On a new source of biogenic stimulators. Curative value of peloid extracts]. Oftalmol Zh. 1946;1:7-12. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV, Dubovaia TE. [Impact of X-rays on the production of biogenic stimulators in aloe leaves]. Oftalmol Zh. 1950;2:79-85. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [On a methodology for the curative application of aloe preparation]. In: [Tissue therapy]. Kyiv: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR; 1953:128-37. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [On the development of tissue therapy method]. In: [Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of Ophthalmologists of Ukraine]. Odesa, 1956. Kyiv: State Medical Publishing House of the Ukrainian SSR;1956:53-5. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Comparative assessment of curative effects of tissue preparations of aloe, agave, peloid distillate and FIBS in the treatment of severely complicated myopia]. Oftalmol Zh. 1957;3:144-9. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [State of the eyes in premature children]. Pediatriia. 1960;7:46-50. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Myopia and in its changes with age in premature children]. In: [Proceedings of the Scientific Session of the Filatov Ukrainian Experimental Research Institute of Eye Diseases]. Odesa, June 24-27,1959; p. 15-16. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV, Viazovskii IA. [Ophthalmological and clinical study of the forms of myopia in premature born individuals]. In: [Vision protection in children and other issues of pediatric ophthalmology]. Kyiv: Zdoroviia;1966. p. 39-45. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Increase of the degree of refraction in children during the period of intensive growth]. Oftalmol Zh. 1974;29(7):499-501. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV, Malinovskii. [Recommendations of the prevention and treatment of school myopia]. In: [Instructions and methodological material on some questions of ophthalmology]. Odesa. 1959;3:11-7. Russian.

Skorodinskaia VV. [Causes of complications in high myopia and their treatment]. In: [Proceedings of the 4th Congress of Ophthalmologists of Ukraine]. October 2-5, 1962, Odesa. p.175-6. Russian.

Puchkovskaia NA. [Filatov V.P]. Kyiv: Zdoroviia;1975:21-5. Russian.



How to Cite

Bobrova N, Androsov О. Skorodynska V.V., Academician V.P. Filatov’s faithful assistant, strong supporter in science, and wife. J.ophthalmol. (Ukraine) [Internet]. 2024 May 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];(2):57-60. Available from:



History of Ophthalmology